I had some difficulties installing oursql on Windows, so I thought I'd write down the steps, in case I need to do it again in the future or anyone else has the problems.
First, I tried installing with pip, but that gave me some problems (something about a missing file) even after I installed Cython.
On second try, I noticed that there are already some binaries available, so I tried with those. The archive which can be downloaded from here http://www.habnabit.org/software/oursql/ contains an installer which in turn contains an egg and a .pyd file. Those go in the site-packages directory. I'm saying this in case anyone wants to install oursql in a virtualenv, which is what I wanted to do and I couldn't because the installer only detected my main site-packages and wouldn't let me choose.
I put those in their place, but when trying to import oursql, I got a "ImportError: DLL load failed...". Apparently, I needed the MySQL C Connector. I installed that, but I still got the error, which I solved by copying libmySQL.dll from my WAMP package into site-packages(supposedly, this isn't necessary when MySQL has been installed directly).
Ok, to recap. The steps were:
1) Download an archive with the binaries from here http://www.habnabit.org/software/oursql/
2) Extract the archive and also the installer.
3) Put the egg and the .pyd in the site-packages.
4) Install MySQL C Connector
5) Copy libmySQL.dll into site-packages.
6) Done.